
Solid State Logic SSL XL Desk Load with 16 EQ Module

1,100,000.00 บาท

In Stock

XL-Desk is designed for tracking or mixing engineers who require an analogue console within a DAW centric studio, but don’t want or need the integrated DAW control and analogue level automation other SSL console products have made the new hybrid studio standard.

การจัดส่ง: ซื้อครบ 500 บาท จัดส่งฟรีทั่วประเทศ / จัดส่งด่วนภายในวัน ทั่วกทม. และปริมณฑล

การชำระเงิน: จ่ายหน้าร้าน 8 สาขา / โอนเงิน / เก็บปลายทาง / บัตรเครดิต /ผ่อนชำระ 0% (บางรายการ) / Shopee / Lazada

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Solid State Logic SSL XL Desk Load with 16 EQ Module

XL-Desk is designed for tracking or mixing engineers who require an analogue console within a DAW centric studio, but don’t want or need the integrated DAW control and analogue level automation other SSL console products have made the new hybrid studio standard.

  • 8 SSL preamps deliver 75dB of pristine gain
  • Switchable Variable Harmonic Drive on every pre
  • Blend between tube and transistor distortion styles
  • Phantom power and -20dB pad on every preamp
  • Trim knob and hi-Z switch accommodate most levels
  • Same DC-coupled circuit design found in SSL’s top gear
  • Transparent signal path exceeds 24-bit/192kHz resolution
  • Extremely wide frequency range with flat response
  • Ultra-low distortion performance won’t color your sound
  • Virtually non-existent noise floor offers extended dynamics
  • Integrated 500 Series slots on all 16 mono channels
  • Mix Bus A includes SSL G Comp bus compressor
  • Slots 9–16 can be assigned to any stereo mix bus
  • Slots 1–16 are also accessible via DB-25 connectors
  • 4 mix buses provide legendary SSL summing
  • Insert points and direct outputs offer additional routing
  • ALT inputs on first 16 channels provide playback summing
  • Stereo Cue and both Aux sends can be pre or post fader
  • Uniform DB-25 I/O makes it easy to add a patchbay
  • Effortlessly switch between 3 sets of monitors
  • Assign a subwoofer in or out with each monitor set
  • Mono fold down, dim, and 2 solo modes onboard
  • Talkback mic feeds 2 of 3 headphone mixes
  • Recordable Listen Mic input with classic compression


Solid State Logic



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