Six Ways to Amp Up Your Serato DJ Pro Rig
Trick out your Serato DJ Pro setup with the Serato DJ Tool Kit, a collection of must-have Expansion Packs for your favorite DJ software. This bundle includes Serato Flip, Serato Pitch ‘n Time DJ, and all four Serato FX Packs — essentials many of us here at Sweetwater swear by. Serato Flip adds powerful automation to Serato DJ Pro, allowing you to create hot cue patterns, remixes, and other cool patterns. Pitch ‘n Time DJ drops Serato’s legendary time-stretching and key-shifting algorithm right into Serato DJ Pro for extreme track tweaking. Finally, there’s the Serato FX Pack, which includes an additional four expansions, for a grand total of 45 effects you can use to redefine your mix.
Dominate your mix with Serato Flip
Automation isn’t just for DAWs anymore! Serato Flip expands your Serato DJ Pro rig with the capability to record and play back hot cues, censor actions, and virtually any other parameter. Looping takes this concept to the next level, allowing you to lay down breaks and cuts for totally remixing or reshuffling your tracks. Control quantization even lets you lock your Flip automation to the beat, keeping your sequences totally clean, no matter how crazy things get. What’s more, you can completely control Flip via MIDI, allowing you to custom map your controller and lay down new sequences as you perform. With up to six Flips per track, you can imagine the sheer creative power this amazing tool delivers.
- Sequence hot cues, effects, and other controls
- Flip looping and MIDI control add massive flexibility
- Create Flips on the fly and store 6 Flips per track
Go to extremes with Pitch ‘n Time DJ
Say goodbye to your conventional Keylock and tempo adjustments, and say hello to Pitch ‘n Time DJ. The incredible flexibility and fidelity of Pitch ‘n Time has made this processor a major part of studio production for well over a decade, and when you apply it to independent time stretching and pitch shifting inside Serato DJ Pro, the results are astonishing. Speed it up, slow it down, switch the key and create impressively coordinated mixes. It doesn’t matter how far you take it, you’ll still be able to cut and scratch with great sound quality. Whether you’re key syncing tracks (something that’s easy to do with semitone shifting) or creating crazy downtempo remixes, Pitch ‘n Time DJ has it covered.
- Integrates classic Serato pitch/time processing
- Extreme time stretching and pitch shifting power
- Preserves audio quality for cutting and scratching
Load up on killer iZotope DJ effects
Get the complete collection of Serato DJ effects with the Serato DJ Tool Kit. That’s all four FX Packs in one bundle, covering everything from analog echoes, auto filters, noise generators, and tons of other exciting goodies — a total of 45 effects. Each effect was designed by the DSP gurus at iZotope, the same guys who make some of the most popular DAW plug-ins out there.
- Wolf Pack lets you tear up your tracks with a classic Bit Crush and the buffer-overriding Shredder, while additional options let you morph your sounds, slam on the brakes, and tap into an extra dimension of echoes.
- Back Pack starts off with the quintessential dub-style emulated tape echo and pitch looping and goes totally nuts from there, allowing you to pull off insane sound-scrambling stunts with shuffling, time freeze, and delightfully twisted delays.
- Jet Pack lets you energize your mix with a collection of intense and atmospheric sound-enhancing effects. Fire up the noise pulse for a bit of grit, slam on an iconic Shepard filter, or throw on extraterrestrial UFO and Space Verb ambience.
- Chip Pack unleashes lo-fi sonic destruction, chiptune warping, and over-the-top noise sweeps. These are the effects you want to reach for when you need to turn a minimal track into a lush and vibrant sound bed.