MASELEC MLA-4 Multiband Compressor
Based around the MLA-3 multiband compressor, the MLA-4 offers expansion on all bands too, with ratios from 6:1 compression to 1:2 expansion. The link circuits are separate, which means that you can link compression from one frequency band whilst the expansion from the other band is also linked. This unique linking feature makes it possible to create a compression from the bass on the whole program and at the same time expand the mid range or the highs to get a groove with added punch. Hence you can have both compression and expansion simultaneously in a frequency band. This is clearly indicated on the high visibility metering for each band.
Over compressed program can be opened up with selected frequency expansion. This has traditionally been difficult because expanders have mainly worked on the full frequency range so with the MLA-4 fine tuning of the material can be achieved and a little can go a long way to salvaging a crushed mix.
The unit is incredibly accurate and easy to recall as all the controls are rotary switches, no potentiometers to be found! This also helps the left and right channels track perfectly, even under heavy processing. Noise, distortion and dynamic range figures are outstanding.